Headset-based communication tools for more productive teams

Push-to-Talk (PTT) communication is a highly efficient way of communicating in a diverse range of professional environments and workplaces. Two-way radios are often used, but are not always the most appropriate tools for all users.

Communication Headsets can either be a lightweight and discreet alternative to wearing or holding a two-way radio, or attach to a two-way radio as an accessory to improve a user’s experience for their specific role. 

Communication headsets can help in numerous ways, such as:

Pain point

When team communication needs to be discreet

Walkie-talkies are very effective at helping teams to communicate and collaborate in real-time, but they are also loud and unsuitable for chatter between colleagues that should be private.

Pain point

When colleagues need a more lightweight two-way communication device

Two-way radios and walkie-talkies are trusted communication tools, but are not always compatible with a user’s uniform or job role. Often, they are too heavy and bulky – to the point that it can impact their work.

Pain point

When the working environment reaches extreme noise levels

Many workplace sounds exceed 85dB – the noise at which hearing protection becomes mandatory. And if hearing protection is removed for just 30 minutes during an 8 hour shift, hearing protection is reduced by around 60%.

Pain point

For workers who are on the move and need both hands free

Frontline workers in key sectors such as retail, hospitality and healthcare need to be able to move freely around the premises while staying connected to their teams. Often, they communication tools don’t allow the flexibility they require.

Find the right headset solution for your communication requirements

Communication headsets are becoming commonplace in many key industries, especially in frontline occupations where employees are customer or public-facing. The ability to stay in constant contact with their colleagues directly in their ear, while being able to keep both hands free when they need to, can provide huge benefits both on an individual level and also to the business as a whole.

Furthermore, there are many vital jobs where employees are often subjected to prolonged loud noise. It is not only essential for an employer to help their colleagues to collaborate and communicate without shouting, but also their legal responsibility to protect their employees from long-term hearing loss. Both of these requirements can be achieve by equipping them with dual-use headsets which can be used for communication while providing high levels of hearing protection.

VoCoVo Link headset - 1000 x 1000

Discreet Team Talk

By using lightweight communication headsets, employees can communicate and collaborate discreetly – straight into a colleague’s ear via their headset, instead of broadcasting their message for customers and members of the public to hear.

Hearing Protection

Hearing protection in loud environments not only protects users themselves, but everyone around them too. Hearing protection headsets are often equipped with smart features like ambient listening to ensure workers can maintain situational awareness.

Connect to Radios

Hearing protection headsets can be used with two-way radios, connecting seamlessly either via cable or Bluetooth. Where two-way radios are essential for communication, users can be equipped with a compatible headset which is most appropriate for their job.

Part of the Uniform

Lightweight headsets are becoming an integral part of the uniform for many customer-facing staff in the retail and hospitality sectors. They are tools which help colleagues to deliver exceptional customer service while adding to the overall aesthetics of staff’s attire.

Get to Know Our Headset Brands

Syndico is proud to be the Authorised Distributor for market-leading headset communication and hearing protection brands. By partnering with established and trusted brands renowned for quality and innovation, Syndico can offer its customers a tried and tested solution for every requirement.


VoCoVo is a headset-based solution which helps customer-facing businesses to connect colleagues, customers & smart technology. VoCoVo headsets help colleagues to communicate discreetly and effortlessly on-the-go, helping them to deliver exceptional customer service and level-up the business’ operational efficiency.
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Communication Headset Case Studies

Iceland and VoCoVo

Supermarket giant Iceland puts colleague welfare first by partnering with VoCoVo


How Valli Forecourts used VoCoVo to boost colleague communication and efficiency

No.1 Lounges Team

How the use of VoCoVo has elevated customers’ experience at No.1 Lounges


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