Inability to get rapid “big picture” views during dynamic operations
Often, the best perspective to have when monitoring emerging situations and coordinating effective response is from the air. This can be challenging without a rapidly-deployable yet cost-effective solution.
Protecting officers and the public during high pressure situations
Any solution which can act as a deterrent to prevent emotive situations from spiraling out of control is a welcome one – not only to protect officers, but also any members of the public caught up in the event.
Capture quality evidence which holds offenders to account
In the unfortunate event that crime and antisocial behaviour endeavours, capturing quality evidence and managing it securely ensures that public justice can be upheld and individuals can be held to account for their actions.
Engaging with community stakeholders using the proper channels
Any technology or channel which can help public safety organisations to engage with, help and be more visibly within communities can reduce crime and antisocial behaviour, help people feel safer and boost public confidence.
Our range of commercial drones and body-worn video solutions are purpose-built to help Public Safety organisations to improve decision-making and situational awareness, reduce the impact of crime on communities, and ultimately uphold justice.
Drones and UAVs
Drones can help Police and other Public Safety users to survey a situation from an aerial perspective in a time and cost-effective way. Drones can be deployed in a matter of minutes to increase situational awareness, coordinate ground response, and speed up critical operations like search and rescue missions using thermal camera technology.
Body Worn Video
Body cameras are a proven deterrent against crime and antisocial behaviour, and ensure that quality, truthful evidence can be captured and securely managed to support public justice being upheld. Further, a 2016 study showed that Police Officers with body cameras are 93% less likely to receive public complaints.
Interested in becoming a reseller? Want to know where to purchase our products? Looking for a value-add distributor for your products? Or just want to network? Please get in touch!
Registered address: Unit 6 Nelson Industrial Park, Herald Road, Hedge End, Southampton, SO30 2JH