The KENWOOD NXEDGE NXDN Radio System at the Heart of one of Europe’s Busiest Airports

Istanbul’s IGA airport became operational in 2018, and is the world’s largest airport terminal building under one roof. It is a vast, state-of-the-art complex employing the latest equipment and technology.

Since its opening, it is already the busiest airport in the world, is fast becoming one of the largest in the world, and is renowned as one of the world’s best airports among travelers and airlines.

Istanbul Airport (IGA) headline stats:

•Largest single-terminal building airport in the world.

•1.4 million m2 main terminal.

•150 ancillary buildings.

•76.5 million m2 area.

•20km north of the city of Istanbul.

Located approximately 20 km north of Istanbul, Istanbul Airport is a key component of Turkey’s Disaster Response Plan (TAMP). Due to its scale, infrastructure, resources, and connectivity, the airport plays a crucial role in coordinating responses to disasters and emergencies, aiming to minimize loss of life and protect critical infrastructure.

In the event of a disaster, the airport and its ancillary buildings may be utilized to provide essential services and resources, including:

  • Evacuation shelter
  • Medical facility
  • Food distribution point
  • Logistics hub
  • Base for airlift operations
  • Airborne surveillance
  • Rescue and relief command and coordination center
  • Radiocommunication capabilities
  • Rescue and relief transportation
  • Evacuation transport

As part of TAMP planning, the existing 64-channel trunked radio system was identified as vulnerable. This highlighted the need for a backup system to be installed away from the terminal building to ensure system resilience and the continuity of uninterrupted radiocommunication services.

KENWOOD NEXEDGE NXDN was the chosen technology to connect teams across the airport’s vast site. The airport’s 32-channel trunked NEXEDGE NXDN back-up radio system was designed to be uncompromising in terms of flexibility and performance to ensure the provision of an uninterrupted radiocommunication service throughout key areas of the airport site.

While already fully operational, the back-up system will be upgraded in the future to mirror the main system’s use of optical master units and fibre optic cables, connecting it to the 24 remote radio units and extending coverage throughout the airport.

We are very happy with the reliability and performance of the main NEXEDGE NXDN system, and I’m delighted that working with the teams from KENWOOD, we were able to transfer our experience quickly and efficiently to fast-track the development and commissioning of the new back-up system”.

Bilal Yildiz, Electronic Systems Manager, Istanbul Airport

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